
Mr. Hatch

Site of The Romulus & Remus Benefit Show 100 AD

The Fall of Rome




“In the late third century, the Roman Empire was split into eastern and western halves in an attempt to make for easier rule and better control. In 323 Constantine became emperor after a civil war and established his eastern capital at Byzantium, which he renamed Constantinople. During the next century the eastern and western parts of the empire gradually established separate identities, although nominally the same empire.”


From http://ancienthistory.about.com/library/bl/uc_dorrington1.htm




You are an advisor to the Emperor in Constantinople in the year 480 A.D.  The Byzantine Empire where you live used to be connected to the Roman Empire but split with Rome about 200 years ago.  News of the collapse of the Western part of the Roman Empire has reached you.  The Emperor is very nervous because he is worried that what happened to the Western Roman Empire might happen in your empire as well since they used to be connected.  As his advisors you must calm him down by explaining to him why Rome fell.  If you are unable to calm him down he might fire you or have you executed!




Your task is to produce a comprehensive report for the emperor explaining how problems in the Western Roman Empire lead to its collapse.  Your report should examine the causes of the collapse of Rome.


Each group member must contribute an analysis of the causes of the Collapse of the Western Roman Empire.  You will hand in five completed GHPPA worksheets (one set per group).  You will also give a PowerPoint presentation, which will be five minutes in length, related to your analysis.




Step I

You will be assigned to a group of three.  Using a variety of resources (Internet websites, textbook, class notes, handouts) your group will research the causes of the fall of the Western Roman Empire and record your findings on the worksheets provided, using the worksheets to develop your analysis.   Once you have written your individual analysis, you will put together with your group a PowerPoint presentation, including an historical overview.  Use the website resources listed below, your textbook and handouts to complete the GHPPA worksheets.


Step 1 Working in groups of four you will identify the problem by completing public policy worksheet 1

Step 2.  You will gather the evidence   using the public policy worksheet 2

Step 3.  You will determine the causes of the problem by completing the worksheet 3 

Step 4.   You will evaluate the policy by filling in the information on worksheet 4

Step 5.  You will then do a comparative analysis  using the worksheet 5







Step II. – Individual work


          Write an analysis of the causes of the fall of Rome.


   A.   Include in your report (from GHPPA worksheets)

1)    What is the problem?

2)    Explain the problems facing the Western Roman Empire before its


3)    What were the causes of the problem?

4)    What policies were enacted and what events took

       place in an effort to solve this problem?

5)    What happened as a result of these policies?

  Briefly compare and contrast the Roman Empire’s problems with the problems facing the Empire Built by Alexander the Great.


B. In addition to the public policy analyst, you will answer the following questions.


1)      How can we define the words “decline” and “fall”?

2)      Would you say that Rome fell or declined?

3)      Using the definitions of the words and the information gathered during the WebQuest explain your answer to number 2.






At the end of this web quest, you will create a PowerPoint Presentation on how problems in the Western Roman Empire lead to its collapse.  In your presentation you will identify at least three causes of the Fall of the Roman Empire.    




Fall of Rome:








Alexander the Great:






Grading Rubric










Needs Improvement





Very Good






Group GHPPA worksheets complete, neatly written, including thoughtful answers to each question.






Individual Report (Typed using Arial font, size 12, and well thought out)






Group Report (Members produced a report, creatively designed using PowerPoint Presentations and well thought out)






Presentation  (Speaker(s) spoke effectively.  Visual aids were neat and well developed.  All presenters were respectful of the speaker, answered students’/teachers’ questions after the presentation.)






Groupwork  (Members shared their contributions, and worked as a team.)









By completing this Webquest, you should have in mind several causes of the “Fall of Rome” and how the Collapse of the Western Roman Empire impacted Western Europe.  You should also be able to state your opinion about whether Rome “fell” or whether it “declined.”    You should be able to compare and contrast the problems that lead to the Collapse of the Western Roman Empire with the causes of the Collapse of the Empire built by Alexander the Great.


Curriculum Standards

Social Studies - World History

2:1 The study of world history requires an understanding of world cultures and civilizations, including an analysis of important ideas, social and cultural values, beliefs, and traditions. This study also examines the human condition and the connections and interactions of people across time and space and the ways different people view the same event or issue from a variety of perspectives.

2:2 Establishing timeframes, exploring different periodizations, examining themes across time and within cultures, and focusing on important turning points in world history help organize the study of world cultures and civilizations.


2:3 Study of the major social, political, cultural, and religious developments in world history involves learning about the important roles and contributions of individuals and groups.


English Language Arts


1 Listening & Reading to acquire information and understanding involves collecting data, facts, and ideas; discovering relationships, concepts, and generalizations; and using knowledge from oral, written, and electronic sources.















Title is clear and informative                                                                                       Yes      No

Teacher's name, School, and E-mail address are present                                       Yes      No

The background color, text and font are easy to read/look at                                    Yes      No



The Introduction is engaging and offers an overview of the WebQuest                    Yes      No

The topic is related to a Public Policy Analysis                                                          Yes      No



The Task outlines the overall objectives of the Web Quest                                       Yes      No

The Task relates to solving the Public Policy problem                                               Yes      No



The Process clearly indicates the steps for accomplishing the Task                       Yes      No

The Process includes students working on one or more of the PPA steps              Yes      No

Instructions are designed for students to understand                                                Yes      No



The Resources contain links to PPA steps                                                                Yes      No

The hyperlinks are all relevant, accurate, workable and up to date                           Yes      No

The Resources are sufficient for the Task                                                                 Yes      No



The Evaluation or Rubrics section is appropriate for the Task                                  Yes      No

The Web Quest includes standards from multiple subject areas                             Yes      No



The Conclusion provides an adequate summary of the Web Quest                         Yes      No



There was an internal consistency throughout the Web Quest                                 Yes      No

Pictures/Graphics/Animation/Sound are appropriate                                                 Yes      No

Proper citations and copyright information                                                                 Yes      No

Content is factually accurate                                                                                      Yes      No